Дата: 2012-07-14, 16:02:50
My ping suddenly spiked and won't decrease? 6 відповідей
  • Група: Користувачі
  • Повідомлень: 3
  • Реєстрація: 2012-07-14
2012-07-14, 16:02:50

So, it's been over a month since neither me or my friends can really enjoy anymore the beauty of playing on your company game servers, and since both pings all the sudden spiked over one night and traceroute results changed. What 15-20 ms for us before became 60-65 ms and it doesn't seem much like that's going to change back anytime soon. 

We are from Warsaw, Poland (I'm on a line from a small local provider, though the exact same thing happened to all the upc.pl users as well) and the servers we enjoyed playing most on were the Na'Vi DM pubs, and what has changed is that packets don't go directly to your company IPs, but there seem to be more hops on the way and all the traffic is now routed via Frankfurt, Germany exchange. 

And so I wonder what's the cause behind all this. And maybe I'm all wrong (so much I wish I was in fact), maybe there are some chances that it's gonna revert someday in the nearest future?

Well, in fact, any opinions would be nice.


  • Група: Адміністрація
  • Повідомлень: 1333
  • Реєстрація: 2011-05-06
2012-07-14, 17:25:06
Hi, it would be good if you could provide traceroute to one of the NaVi DM server. I guess, you don't have traceroute from the last month when ping was okay. We could send request directly to the data center with your question and both traceroutes before and after. Anyway, there were no changes from data center, maybe your internet provider changed routes to some segments of UA-IX
  • Група: Користувачі
  • Повідомлень: 3
  • Реєстрація: 2012-07-14
2012-07-15, 0:57:22

Thank you for the reply!

Getting straight to the point, this is how it looks now: (and I'm sure you can reproduce the same results by checking back the company website of www.bait.pl from your server location)

Badanie z użyciem 32 bajtów danych:

Odpowiedź z bajtów=32 czas=56ms TTL=51
Odpowiedź z bajtów=32 czas=57ms TTL=51
Odpowiedź z bajtów=32 czas=56ms TTL=51
Odpowiedź z bajtów=32 czas=56ms TTL=51

Statystyka badania ping dla
Pakiety: Wysłane = 4, Odebrane = 4, Utracone = 0 (0% straty),
Szacunkowy czas błądzenia pakietów w millisekundach:
 Minimum = 56 ms, Maksimum = 57 ms, Czas średni = 56 ms

And this is how was before (just over a month ago, I think these were the very first days of Jun when it all changed):

(that's HLSW - see the 'Ping' column, now it says 58-60 there for all the Na'Vi severs)

>> Anyway, there were no changes from data center, maybe your internet provider changed routes to some segments of UA-IX.

Surely that could be the cause, though the reason I recon it might something major is that those pings over that very night changed not only for me and for a lot of other users as well (of different providers, like upc.pl which I can say has a quite huge user base over here), who I know have been playing there till that very point.

Of curse, any help is appreciated).

  • Група: Адміністрація
  • Повідомлень: 1333
  • Реєстрація: 2011-05-06
2012-07-15, 18:36:32
Thanks for the information, we sent request to data-center about changes that were made to be sure that it is, or it isn't their issue.
  • Група: Адміністрація
  • Повідомлень: 1333
  • Реєстрація: 2011-05-06
2012-07-16, 16:30:41
We received answer from data-center that there were no changes made from our side, and it's likely that polish internet providers has changed traceroute. So you have to solve this problem with bail.pl
  • Група: Користувачі
  • Повідомлень: 3
  • Реєстрація: 2012-07-14
2012-07-17, 10:19:04
Okay, thank you for your help.
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